paper on canvas + cloth paper
crayon + glue
digital + 35mm
Stella Cha’s handmade original dresses
Nayoung Kim’s original handmade dresses
Final Senior Show, HSPVA 2016
Artist Statement
Time allows us to experience the transition of one moment to the next, and to sense the changes of the light and sky from dawn to dusk. The most significant transition throughout the day occurs during sunrise/sunset, while the most subtle transitions happen during the afternoon and night. Each transition though, is important. We experience this every day, but so often, we don’t notice it consciously. Appreciating these transitions might allow us to see the world as dynamic, and ever-changing. By discovering this, we too, can embrace infinite personal reinvention.Through my personal experience, the view of the Texas countryside outside the city has changed my perspective on observing the sky. When transitioning from urban to rural settings twice every year, I believe that I am always a different person upon visiting. Thus, I use the sky as a metaphor for change.
35 mm
35 mm on RC paper